Wholemeal Sourdough Mantou (Chinese Steamed Bun)
It's been a loooong time since the last post. I sincerely feel terrible since the promise of updating at least twice a month was made when I started FoxyOwl Baker. The reason being April was a bit hectic: having a short reunion with my family in China, continuing working and going for several job interviews when coming back in Melbourne. Obviously, I have been quite unproductive in the kitchen.... However, here is a new deliciousness! My favourite Chinese staple food in addition to noodles: Steamed bun (Mantou). You can conceptualise it as Chinese bread, which was the main carb source for Northern Chinese people especially decades ago. Back then rice was quite of a luxury in the situation of food scarcity, plus Mantou is so convenient to carry with and helps manual labours stay full longer. For sure, Northern people now are far away from those...